May 7, 2021



Notice Regarding Application for Delisting of Shares on the Nagoya Stock Exchange

MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (the "Compnay") resolved at a meeting of its Board of Directors held on May 7, 2021 to file an application for delisting of its shares from the Nagoya Stock Exchange.

1. Reason for application for delisting

Company's shares are listed on the Tokyo and Nagoya Stock Exchanges, but in order to streamline operations associated with dual listings, Company has decided to file an application for delisting of its shares on the Nagoya Stock Exchange.

2. Stock exchange where Company's listing continues

The Tokyo Stock Exchange

3. Scheduled date of application for delisting

May 10, 2021

4. Schedule

Following the acceptance of the application for delisting by the Nagoya Stock Exchange, Company's shares will be designated as securities to be delisted, and delisting is expected to follow, in principle, one month after such designation.

Company Name: MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kainuma
Representative Director, CEO & COO
(Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1)
Contact: Motohide Ishigami
Executive Officer
Head of HR & General Affairs Div.
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6712
Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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