Measuring Components
Introduction of Sensing Device Business Unit (315KB/2pages)

Strain gages consist of a very fine metallic foil etched in a grid pattern, which is bonded to a device and used to measure the strain, or amount of deformation of the device when weight or pressure is applied.

The force sensors are sensors for mass production that use strain gages.

MinebeaMitsumi manufactures load cells that use strain gages to convert weight into electrical out put.

Using strain gage, these pressure sensors are sensors that measure pressure as electric signals.

The sensors for torque measurement measures the twist with a strain gage in various driving parts like the engine and the transmission, etc.

The vector sensor is a sensor that detects the translation power in three directions.
The sensor can miniaturize because of a simple structure and is the best for the usage of the gripping force detection, etc.

MinebeaMitsumi produces digital indicators for use in its load cells, transducers and other measuring components.

Used to measure the amount of stretch and contraction of devices.