Feb.3, 2020



Notice regarding the Repurchase Status of Own Shares
(Repurchase of Own Shares pursuant to Section 1 of Article 459 of the Company Law)

MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. hereby announces the repurchase status of its own shares pursuant to Section 1 of Article 459 of the Company Law, as resolved on May 8, 2019 at the Board Meeting.

1. Type of shares repurchased: Shares of common stock of MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
2. Aggregate number of shares repurchased: 2,534,600 shares
3. Aggregate amount of repurchase: 5,847,713,489 yen
4. Period of repurchase: From January 1, 2020 to January 31, 2020


1. Details of the resolution on the repurchase of own shares at the Board Meeting on May 8, 2019

(1) Type of shares to be repurchased: Shares of common stock of MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
(2) Aggregate number of shares to be repurchased: Up to a maximum of 7.5 million shares
(Ratio of aggregate number of shares to be repurchased to number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares): 1.81%)
(3) Aggregate amount of repurchase: Up to a maximum of 15,000 million yen
(4) Period of repurchase: From May 9, 2019 to April 30, 2020

2. Cumulative total of own shares repurchased in accordance with the above resolution

(1) Aggregate number of shares repurchased: 3,044,100 shares
(2) Aggregate amount of repurchase: 7,023,221,589 yen
Company Name: MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kainuma
Representative Director, CEO & COO
(Code No. 6479 TSE Div. No. 1)
Contact: Takayuki Ishikawa
General Manager
Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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