Oct.18, 2011


Minebea Co., Ltd.

Notice Regarding Flood Damage in Thailand (Fourth Report)

Minebea Co., Ltd. announces the fourth report of the effects of the flooding in Thailand on its five manufacturing sites, as of twelve noon October 18.

Plant name Workers Location Production items Status
Lop Buri 10,000 Lop Buri Province Electronic devices
Small motors
Aircraft parts
  • No flooding in the plant
  • No human or material damage
  • Operating normally
Ayutthaya 3,400 Ayutthaya Province Ball bearings
  • No flooding in the plant
  • No human or material damage
  • Operation suspended since October 7
    (Resumption of water supply, limited electric power)
  • Surrounding floods tend to lower
Rojana 1,600 Rojana Industrial Park
Ayutthaya Province
Die-cast parts
(for HDD spindle motors)
  • Flooding in the plant, but no casualties
  • Operation suspended since October 7
  • Details unconfirmed because industrial park closed
  • Recovery not yet determined
  • Preparing to increase purchase from outside source
Bang Pa-in 15,000 Ayutthaya Province Ball bearings
Machined parts
Electronic devices
Small motors
  • No flooding in the plant
  • No human or material damage
  • Operation suspended since October 15 for safety of employees
    (Suspension of operations extended until October 19)
  • No major changes to flooding in the surrounding areas
Navanakorn 1,000 Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate
Pathum Thani Province
Small motor parts
  • Premises slightly flooded
  • No human or material damage
  • Operating suspended since October 14
  • All employees evacuated due to official shutdown of the estate

There are floods from the north of the Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate. The premises of our Navanakorn Plant, located at the south of the same Industrial Estate, are slightly flooded, but there are no damages to its plant facilities due to sandbags and other flood prevention measures.
The flooding situation around the Ayutthaya Plant and the Bang Pa-in Plant has been stabilized. Minebea has commenced inspecting their production facilities toward partially resuming production from October 20. Going forward, Minebea will resume production sequentially as soon as we have been able to secure and confirm employees' safe commute to work.

Future operations will be decided in light of the situation as it develops. We will continue to monitor the extent of the flood damage and its effect on business performance and immediately report any developments risking a significant impact on business results.

Company Name: Minebea Co., Ltd.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kainuma
Representative Director,
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No.1)
Contact: Yasunari Kuwano
General Manager
Corporate Communications Office
Tel: +81-(0)3-5434-8637
Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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