Consolidated Statements of Income

Latest Update : Mar.10, 2025

* MinebeaMitsumi has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the 1Q of FY3/2019.

Net sales millions of yen 381,207348,803355,454422,783369,643
Cost of sales millions of yen 315,333 289,471 292,100 349,836 300,856
Gross profit millions of yen 65,874 59,332 63,354 72,947 68,787
Selling, general and administrative expenses millions of yen 41,644 42,696 43,458 45,579 44,164
Other income millions of yen 851 4,049 647 956 2,557
Other expenses millions of yen 377 343 518 178 757
Operating income millions of yen 24,70420,34220,02528,14626,423
Finance income millions of yen -2,279 3,479 1,050 895 1,085
Finance expenses millions of yen 1,011 1,219 1,718 11,011 3,325
Profit before income taxes millions of yen 21,41422,60219,35718,03024,183
Income taxes millions of yen 5,668 4,176 5,423 5,822 6,316
Profit for the period millions of yen 15,746 18,426 13,934 12,208 17,867
Profit for the period attributable to:
Owners of the parent millions of yen 15,21218,32713,93612,11217,606
Non-controlling interests millions of yen 534 99 -2 96 261
Earnings per share (EPS)
Basic yen 37.6245.3234.4630.0043.83
Diluted yen 37.6245.3234.4630.0043.82
  • *1 Minebea Power Semiconductor Device Inc. (formerly Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd.) has been included in the scope of consolidation since May 2, 2024.

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