Consolidated Statements of Income

Latest Update : June 18, 2024

* MinebeaMitsumi has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the 1Q of FY3/2019.

Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Net sales millions of yen 978,445988,4241,124,1401,292,2031,402,127
Cost of sales millions of yen 811,859 820,832 908,556 1,071,668 1,170,774
Gross profit millions of yen 166,586 167,592 215,584 220,535 231,353
Selling, general and administrative expenses millions of yen 107,647 107,785 125,276 144,347 162,377
Other income millions of yen 3,969 5,689 4,497 40,688 6,371
Other expenses millions of yen 4,261 14,330 2,669 19,346 1,811
Operating income millions of yen 58,64751,16692,13697,53073,536
Finance income millions of yen 1,822 1,482 1,497 2,058 6,471
Finance expenses millions of yen 2,380 3,121 2,845 7,460 4,462
Profit before income taxes millions of yen 58,08949,52790,78892,12875,545
Income taxes millions of yen 11,166 10,740 21,862 18,807 20,299
Profit for the period millions of yen 46,923 38,787 68,926 73,321 55,246
Profit for the period attributable to:
Owners of the parent millions of yen 45,97538,75968,93573,15254,035
Non-controlling interests millions of yen 948 28 -9 169 1,211
Earnings per share (EPS)
Basic yen 111.1194.95170.08178.23133.05
Diluted yen 108.6892.87166.61177.38133.04
  • *1 U-Shin Ltd. has been included in the scope of consolidation since April 10, 2019. In 1Q of FY3/2020, Access Solutions does not include April 1-9.
  • *2 ABLIC Inc. has been included in the scope of consolidation since April 30, 2020.
  • *3 We have included the following companies in the scope of consolidation;
    HONDA TSUSHIN KOGYO CO., LTD. since September 16, 2022
    Minebea Connect Inc. (formerly SUMIKO TEC CO., LTD.) since November 1, 2022
    Minebea AccessSolutions Inc. (formerly Honda Lock Mfg. Co., Ltd.) since January 27, 2023

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