Results of Exercise of Voting Rights at the 69th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Latest Update : June 29, 2015

Back to Shareholders' Meetings (Year 2015)

The 69th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Status of Voting Rights

Number of shareholders holding voting rights 12,787
Number of voting rights held by such shareholders 377,585

Results of Exercise of Voting Rights

Agenda item Number of votes for proposal Number of votes against proposal Number of abstentions Voting Results and ratio of voting for proposal
Agenda Item No.1:
Appropriation of Surplus
286,732 7,621 302 Approved (97.31%)
Agenda Item No.2:
Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
200,125 94,209 320 Approved (67.92%)
Agenda Item No.3:
Election of Ten (10) Directors
Yoshihisa Kainuma
271,559 22,789 302 Approved (92.16%)
Hiroharu Katogi
291,213 3,135 302 Approved (98.83%)
Hiroyuki Yajima
291,191 3,157 302 Approved (98.83%)
Hirotaka Fujita
291,208 3,140 302 Approved (98.83%)
Daishiro Konomi
291,215 3,133 302 Approved (98.83%)
Tamio Uchibori
291,210 3,138 302 Approved (98.83%)
Ryozo Iwaya
288,112 6,236 302 Approved (97.78%)
Shigeru None
287,996 6,352 302 Approved (97.74%)
Kohshi Murakami
292,540 1,810 302 Approved (99.28%)
Takashi Matsuoka
250,359 43,989 302 Approved (84.97%)
Agenda Item No.4:
Election of Three (3) Corporate Auditors
Kazunari Shimizu
291,764 2,593 302 Approved (99.02%)
Kazuyoshi Tokimaru
201,300 93,057 302 Approved (68.32%)
Hisayoshi Rikuna
285,151 9,208 302 Approved (96.77%)
Agenda Item No.5:
Amendment of Remuneration for Directors
287,602 6,758 303 Approved (97.60%)
(Requirements for approval)
Agenda Item No.1 and No.5: Resolution shall be approved by more than half of the voting rights represented at the shareholder meeting.
Agenda Item No.2: Resolution shall be approved at the shareholder meeting with a quorum of one-third (1/3) of the voting rights of all shareholders with exercisable voting rights and by a vote of more than two-third (2/3) of the voting rights represented thereat.
Agenda Item No.3 and No.4: Resolution shall be approved at the shareholder meeting with a quorum of one-third (1/3) of the voting rights of all shareholders with exercisable voting rights and by a vote of more than half of the voting rights represented thereat.

Notes regarding the calculation of the number of votes exercised by certain of the shareholders at the meeting

All agenda items respectively met the requirements for approval properly, in accordance with the Japanese Company Law, by the sum of the votes exercised up to the day prior to the meeting, plus the number of votes exercised by certain of the shareholders present at the meeting, who could be confirmed with votes for, against or abstaining on each proposal. Consequently, we did not calculate the number of votes for, against or abstaining with respect to shareholders present at the meeting, with the exception of those by aforementioned certain shareholders.

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