Third-party Opinion

Comments on the MinebeaMitsumi Group CSR Report

image : Mr. Keisuke Takegahara

Executive Officer
Deputy Chief Research Officer
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Mr. Keisuke Takegahara

When expressing an opinion regarding the MinebeaMitsumi Group CSR Report 2019, I feel it is necessary to start by determining an evaluation perspective. This is because last fiscal year, the Group switched from an annual report to an integrated report, and this report has become a medium for disclosing non-financial information, such as value-creation scenarios and the sustainability of business models, primarily to long-term investors. If non-financial information is to be considered in a comprehensive manner, combining the CSR report with an integrated report is one possible option, but I believe that understanding the intention of continuing the report as an independent medium and assessing whether that intention is conveyed to readers from the perspective of a third party is the role of this page.

When viewed from this perspective, I once again noticed that the main topic of this report is people. The Group's stance of emphasizing human capital is conspicuous, evidenced by the first of the Five Principles (be a company where our employees are proud to work), the Group's corporate credo, and the commitment from the CEO stated in this report, emphasizes this point even further. As the group expands by pursuing synergy effects through integration, sharing the fundamental values by employees with diverse backgrounds has become even more important, and I understand that this is in the background to making this a separate report. In other words, of the various factors supporting the long-term growth of the MinebeaMitsumi Group, it is noteworthy that this report focuses on the development of a corporate culture where diverse human resources can achieve their full potential.

Clear indications of the nature of this report can be found in the Hot Topic entitled "MinebeaMitsumi Group's Human Resources Development" and Special Feature 2 entitled "Cebu Mitsumi Continues to Evolve." The former presents the opinions of employees along with the Group's human resources strategy from the perspective of further global development and plays the role of emphasizing the message that employees are the Group's most important stakeholders.

The latter creates a rather strong impression by providing a concrete example of what the Group means by "creating environments where all employees can demonstrate their maximum capabilities," one of the priority topics set through the identification of materialities. Contributing to local communities exemplified by the development of engineers in collaboration with universities in particular is a persuasive narrative on how reinforcing the groundwork for the development of human resources leads to strength on the part of the company.

I believe that there are a number of points where improvements should be made to make the uniqueness of this report more distinct. The positioning of materialities relating to sustainability in Special Feature 1 and the relationship with the subject matter could be explained in somewhat more detail. Also, the relationships with the SDGs suggests a longterm perspective, but the facts that the medium- to long-term targets are still set for 2020 and that the reports on various undertakings in the second part are divided from the first half and lack a clear narrative leave some room for improvement.

I look forward to further improvements as a report with considerable originality with people as its main topic.

Mr. Keisuke Takegahara

After graduation from Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Law, Mr. Takegahara joined the Japan Development Bank (now the Development Bank of Japan, Inc.). He assumed his present post following stints in the bank's Research Department, Policy Planning Department, and its Representative Office in Frankfurt and as general manager of Environmental Initiatives & Corporate Social Responsibility-Support Department. In addition, he is a member of the Japanese Ministry of the Environment's Working Group on Incorporating Issues regarding Sustainability into Investment, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's TCFD Consortium Steering Committee, the Cabinet Office's Regional Revitalization SDGs Management/ESG Investment Study Group, and NEDO's Technical Committee.

On Receiving a Third-party Opinion

image : Mr. Tatsuo Matsuda

Executive Advisory Manager
In charge of CSR, Sustainability
Management Division
Mr. Tatsuo Matsuda

Mr. Takegahara has again provided us with valuable feedback on the Group's CSR promotion.

The MinebeaMitsumi Group CSR Report 2019 focused on the active roles and development of our employees— our most important stakeholders.

In the Hot Topics section, we featured the creation of a culture where diverse human resources can demonstrate their full capabilities, and our Group's human resources development from the perspective of further global development. In Special Feature 2, we introduced Cebu Mitsumi's regional contributions rooted in the local community, and initiatives for the materiality (priority issue) of creating environments where all employees can demonstrate their maximum capabilities. We wish to express our appreciation for once again giving strong recognition to our beliefs regarding the people of our Group.

Furthermore, in Special Feature 1, we have determined our materialities for the first time, and related them to the SDGs. As pointed out, going forward, the issues are to set our medium- to long-term targets, and at the same time, communicate the progress of our Group's CSR activities in a way that is easier to understand.

Looking ahead, we will endeavor to issue reports that are easy to read and understand so that our CSR reports can become effective tools to let all stakeholders understand MinebeaMitsumi.

As of Sept. 2019

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