Corporate Governance

Latest Update : Nov.6, 2024

Basic Views

Basic Position on Corporate Governance

MinebeaMitsumi has adopted as its basic management policy "Highly transparent management based on [The Five Principles] as our company credo". The Five Principles are; "(1) Be a company where our employees are proud to work"; "(2) Earn and preserve the trust of our valued customers"; "(3) Respond to our shareholders' expectations"; "(4) Work in harmony with the local community"; and "(5) Promote and contribute to global society".

Consistent with this company credo, the Company's basic management policy is to maximize corporate value by fulfilling its social responsibilities to its various stakeholders, including shareholders, business partners, local communities, international society and employees.

Basic Policy for Corporate Governance

1. Securing the rights and equal treatment of shareholders

The Company shall secure the rights of shareholders, and improve a proper environment enabling the shareholders to exercise their rights, in order to substantially secure shareholder's right and equality.

2. Appropriate cooperation with stakeholders other than shareholders

The Company shall be aware of the presence of its stakeholders and build appropriate cooperation with them, following our company credo.

3. Ensuring appropriate information disclosure and transparency

The Company shall disclose information properly based on laws and regulations, and proactively offer any other information including non-financial matters.

4. Responsibilities of the Board

The Board of Directors shall understand and perform the roles and duties of itself, based on fiduciary duty and accountability to the shareholders.

5. Dialogue with shareholders

The Company shall develop policy and system that enable us to constructively communicate with the shareholders and give plain explanations to them.

Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code

The Company complies with each principle of the Corporate Governance Code.

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